Lauren’s Ashtanga Yoga Blog

Reflections from India: Finding Inspiration in Sharath Jois’ Legacy
Sharing some of the most important lessons I learned from my teacher, Sharath Jois, over the years.

5 Ashtanga Yoga Myths We Should Let Go Of
In this post, I’ll address five common myths surrounding Ashtanga yoga, explain why they no longer serve us, and why it’s time to let them go.

Uttitha Trikonasana Ashtanga Yoga Standing Sequence
Learn how to practice this foundational asana from the Ashtanga Yoga Standing Sequence

How to practice Setu Bandhasana from the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series
How to practice Setu Bandhasana from the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series

Why do we practice challenging asanas in Ashtanga Yoga?
Have you ever wondered why we tie ourselves into knots physically and metaphorically on our yoga mats during our Ashtanga yoga practice? (Hint it's not so we can increase our social media following)

How to stop wobbling in Parivrtta Trikonasana (revolved triangle asana)
Do You Often Find Yourself Wobbling in Revolving Trikonasana?
In this video I Offer Some Tips And Modifications To Help You Bring More Balance And Ease To This Tricky Standing Asana.

Foundations - How to create a strong and stable yoga practice
Find out how you can use your foundation to master tricky asanas (yoga postures) and create a strong and stable practice

Improve your Headstand - Take your yoga practice upside down
Headstand is one of those asanas that takes time to master. It requires a certain amount of core strength as well as strong and flexible shoulders. Inversions are reversing our relationship to gravity, so for that reason, we also have balance and fear to contend with.
In this post, I look at the benefits of inversions, including the so-called “King” of asanas, and provide you with some tips and drills to help you take your practice upside down.