Yoga for Beginners
Yoga for Beginners
Starting something new can feel pretty intimidating….attending your first yoga session is no exception.
As you consider starting yoga you might be asking yourself some of these questions:
Will I Be Any Good at it?
Will I Be The Only One That Doesn’t Know What I’m Doing?
Will I Get Enough Help And Support?
And my personal favourite….
Am I Too Stiff to try Yoga?
These are all questions I’ve been asked literally hundreds of times and as a naturally stiff person myself… I can 100 % tell you that you’re definitely NOT too stiff to practice yoga….
Because of the way Mysore Ashtanga Yoga works, you’ll be guided every step of the way by an experienced teacher and you’ll receive a personalised introduction to yoga
Why Should I book a beginners intro to Ashtanga?
You’ll receive one to one attention in the group environment, for the cost of a group class.
because you’re receiving individual attention you can learn at a pace that suits you
You don’t need to be flexible or to have any previous yoga experience
You don’t need to know the Ashtanga sequence. We’ll teach you the asanas (yoga forms) one by one in a methodical way so you can commit them to memory as you go along.
You’ll receive personalised feedback from an experienced teacher who will be there to guide you
You’ll be in a supportive environment where you can begin exploring the benefits of yoga
What is An Ashtanga Yoga Beginners Intro?
An Ashtanga Yoga Beginners intro typically takes place within the group Mysore environment (although completely private options are available).
You’ll book your intro session in advance and the first class will be one-to-one with me, or one of our assistants.
Other practitioners will be in the room independently doing their own practice.
We’ll run through the fundamentals of the Ashtanga yoga practice and from there teach you a flowing sequence known as surya namaskar or the sun salute followed by some breathing exercises and a relaxation.
Your first practice will be around 45 minutes.
From there it will grow at a pace to suit you. Adding on more of the sequence when you return for your next class
By the end of your first session, You’ll have memorised a short yoga practice you can do any time, anywhere.
Mysore Ashtanga Yoga is a great way to start your ashtanga yoga journey because you’ll receive all the benefits of a private class within the group environment.
“Practicing With Lauren As My Teacher Was A Wonderful Experience. She Not Only Demonstrated The Positions (Sun Salutations) But She Explained How My Body Would React To Certain [Excercises].
I Was Nervous About Attending A Yoga Class Because Of Being A More Curvaceous Body Type And Having Significant Injuries From A Road Traffic Accident.
Lauren Made Me Feel Comfortable And Worked At A Pace That Suited Me. Her Explanation Of How My Body Would React And Feel Made Me Feel Calm And Safe. I Feel Energised And Relaxed At The Same Time”
— Charlene
How to sign up for a beginners intro
For Group Classes
Astanga Yoga London, Euston, NW1
Astanga Yoga London is open monday to Thursday evening from 5.00 pm to 7.30 pm (except moon days).
Message me to book your beginner’s one-to-one intro session (Price £15)
For Private Classes
More info is available on my private yoga page.
Get in touch to arrange a telephone Chat to discuss your needs