Mysore Ashtanga Yoga Classes

What is Mysore Ashtanga Yoga?

Mysore Ashtanga Yoga is the traditional method of learning the Ashtanga Yoga system. It’s named after the city in Southern India where the practice first became popular.

Each student works at their own pace during the class with the teacher on hand to provide assistance and adjustment when required.

The student commits the practice to memory one posture at a time, with new postures being added when the student is ready. 

The fundamentals of the practice are the Tristana – Breath, Asana and Drishti.

The class is suitable for all levels - even complete beginners - as the students are taught individually whilst in a group setting.

The practice encourages students to connect with their breath and turn their focus inward so it becomes a moving meditation.


Physical Touch in Mysore Classes

In Mysore classes, touch or physical assists/adjustments are often used as a way to enhance a practitioner’s understanding or experience of an asana (yoga shape).

In class, you will see teachers walking around the room offering physical assists.

Some practitioners prefer not to be touched, and it is always your choice if you would like to receive adjustments or if you would prefer a no-touch practice.

For more on this, and other questions about starting an Ashtanga practice why not visit my FAQ’s page

Why practice Mysore Ashtanga Yoga?

Mysore-style Ashtanga Yoga is the safest and most beneficial way to practice yoga.

All students are taught individually within a group environment so you’ll benefit from one-to-one instruction, and learn at a pace that suits you.

That means no more struggling to keep up with the rest of the class!

Because you’re practising at your own pace you’ll be able to focus on your breath and your practice will take on a meditative quality never before experienced!

If you’ve never practised yoga before you’ll receive a personalised one-to-one introduction for the price of a regular group class (approx. 45 mins).

If you have an established practice you’ll grow your practice under the guidance of a Senior Level 2 Authorised teacher with more than 12 years teaching experience.

You’ll benefit from a community of friendly like-minded practitioners who will help keep you motivated

I’m a beginner, is Mysore Ashtanga Yoga Right for me?

Mysore Ashtanga Yoga is a great way to start your yoga journey.

All newcomers learn a flowing sequence known as surya namaskar or the sun salute followed by some breathing exercises and a relaxation.

Your first practice will be between 30 and 45 minutes depending on how much time you have, and from then it will grow at a pace to suit you.

For more info visit my beginner’s page

Where can I attend Mysore Ashtanga Classes?

Astanga Yoga London, Euston

Monday to Thursday 5.00 pm - 7.30 pm

Astanga Yoga London 92 - 94 Drummond St, Euston London NW1 2HN

 Click HERE to Book your one-to-one introductory session

 Click HERE for more information about classes at Astanga Yoga London

“Lauren is a patient and supportive teacher and in her Mysore classes, she balances her guidance and assistance, with letting me find my way safely and build my own confidence in my practice.”

— hannah, London

Get in touch if you have any questions about joining a Mysore Ashtanga Yoga Class or if you’d like to book a beginners introduction