Lauren’s Ashtanga Yoga Blog

Top 5 tips for a sustainable home yoga practice
Here are my Top 5 tips to help you practice ashtanga yoga at home consistently.

The Meaning of Namaste
Saying namaste has become a popular way for many yoga teachers to end a yoga class. This post explores the Sanskrit meaning of Namaste and its use.

Why do we remove our shoes before entering a yoga shala?
Find out why we remove our shoes before entering a yoga shala

Why do we chant OM in yoga classes?
A look at the meaning of OM in the Manduhkya Upanishad and its significance within the yoga tradition.

Top 7 reasons Mysore style ashtanga yoga is great for beginners
The top 7 reasons why I think Mysore style ashtanga yoga is a great practice for beginners

Why do we chant mantras in Ashtanga Yoga?
If you’re new to Ashtanga you may be wondering why we chant mantras at the start and end of our practice. Maybe you’re wondering what the mantras mean, what benefits they have, and what’s the best way to go about learning them. Find out more here

Stress less - 5 tips to reduce stress
Understanding stress and its effects on our nervous system, plus five ways to reduce your stress levels!