Lauren’s Ashtanga Yoga Blog

Nadi Shodhana - The breathing technique with amazing health benefits
Nadi Shodhana is a yogic breathing technique that was developed by ancient Indian yogis and is included in several medieval yogic texts such as the 15th Century Hatha Yoga Pradipika. It’s a technique that’s been scientifically proven to increase parasympathetic nervous system activity or in simple terms initiate a relaxation response; from the very first time, you try it.

Start your yoga practice! 3 reasons why Ashtanga Yoga is the perfect practice for beginners
Here I share with you why I think Ashtanga Yoga is a great practice to start exploring the benefits of yoga.

Svadhyaya – A practice of self-reflection
Svadhyaya is a Sanksrit word that can be translated as self-study. Our yoga practice is all about creating a mindful connection with ourselves and one way to listen to our inner voice is through the practice of Svadhyaya. Here are three ways we can incorporate Svadhyaya into our lives and daily practice.

Why do I feel like my Ashtanga Yoga Practice is going backwards
What do you do when you feel like your ashanga yoga practice is going backwards? A look at the Kleshas or obstacles on the path of yoga described by Patanjali and how we can overcome them.

4 tips to help when Ashtanga Yoga Second Series makes you feel crazy
The Ashtanga Yoga Practice can get intense at this stage. Different people react to it in different ways. For some, it becomes physically exhausting, for others intense feelings like anger or sadness come up. Some students report trouble sleeping or changes to their appetite.
If you’re finding your second series ashtanga yoga journey intense here are some things you can do to make it a little smoother.

Top 5 tips for a sustainable home yoga practice
Here are my Top 5 tips to help you practice ashtanga yoga at home consistently.

The Meaning of Namaste
Saying namaste has become a popular way for many yoga teachers to end a yoga class. This post explores the Sanskrit meaning of Namaste and its use.

Why do we remove our shoes before entering a yoga shala?
Find out why we remove our shoes before entering a yoga shala

Why do we chant OM in yoga classes?
A look at the meaning of OM in the Manduhkya Upanishad and its significance within the yoga tradition.

Top 7 reasons Mysore style ashtanga yoga is great for beginners
The top 7 reasons why I think Mysore style ashtanga yoga is a great practice for beginners

Why do we chant mantras in Ashtanga Yoga?
If you’re new to Ashtanga you may be wondering why we chant mantras at the start and end of our practice. Maybe you’re wondering what the mantras mean, what benefits they have, and what’s the best way to go about learning them. Find out more here