Lauren’s Ashtanga Yoga Blog

Bujapidasana– 4 common mistakes and how to avoid them
Bujapidasana (arm pressing asana) is one of the peak asanas (yoga shapes) of the primary series so it’s pretty challenging especially when trying it for the first time. In this blog and video I look at 4 common mistakes practitioners make with this asana and how to avoid them.

How to Jump Back and Jump Through in Ashtanga Yoga
Probably in the top 10 of Ashtanga FAQs….and one you may have asked your teacher at some point. If you’re struggling to understand the mechanics of the Jump back and Jump through then this video and blog post is for you.

Nadi Shodhana - The breathing technique with amazing health benefits
Nadi Shodhana is a yogic breathing technique that was developed by ancient Indian yogis and is included in several medieval yogic texts such as the 15th Century Hatha Yoga Pradipika. It’s a technique that’s been scientifically proven to increase parasympathetic nervous system activity or in simple terms initiate a relaxation response; from the very first time, you try it.