Lauren’s Ashtanga Yoga Blog

How to master Cakrasana (Backward roll) in Ashtanga Yoga
Lean how to master cakrasana, the backward roll transition in Ashtanga Yoga.

Svadhyaya – A practice of self-reflection
Svadhyaya is a Sanksrit word that can be translated as self-study. Our yoga practice is all about creating a mindful connection with ourselves and one way to listen to our inner voice is through the practice of Svadhyaya. Here are three ways we can incorporate Svadhyaya into our lives and daily practice.

Why do I feel like my Ashtanga Yoga Practice is going backwards
What do you do when you feel like your ashanga yoga practice is going backwards? A look at the Kleshas or obstacles on the path of yoga described by Patanjali and how we can overcome them.

4 tips to help when Ashtanga Yoga Second Series makes you feel crazy
The Ashtanga Yoga Practice can get intense at this stage. Different people react to it in different ways. For some, it becomes physically exhausting, for others intense feelings like anger or sadness come up. Some students report trouble sleeping or changes to their appetite.
If you’re finding your second series ashtanga yoga journey intense here are some things you can do to make it a little smoother.